Cinematography video feedback and learner response

 My video:

Mr Halsey's Feedback:

  • Wow - this is stunning! A brilliantly constructed narrative, superb use of cinematography and sound, utterly engaging and effective
  • Good range of shots and movement with correct labelling (perhaps one closeup mislabelled as it was more of a medium shot).
  • Editing - Was the transition used deliberate to show passing of time?
  • Use of music and sound effects so effective - mise-en-scene too!
Class Feedback:

WWW: Easy narrative to follow, variety of shots and labelled well, good editing
EBI: Some people think that the change in music volume didn't work, however others (including Mr Halsey) think that it was placed correctly


WWW: Good editing, variety of shots and camera movement was carried out well
EBI: Change one label to a medium shot instead of closeup


I have now learned about a variety of different camera shots and how to carry them out. I already tried a challenging shot in this video (dolly shot) but in the summer I may try some more, e.g: crane shot. I could practice a tilt for next time as this was something I did not include in my video but was something I saw in others. 
